This is a really good book that essentially says we should find values in our lives that we see as more important than our own suffering. Such that we would willingly be uncomfortable in the name of something more important. Because happiness comes through suffering for the right causes, and coming out the other side stronger.
Manson then outlines some ideas on what these values might look like. However, it’s obviously a very personal process so Manson does well not to put too much emphasis on what you should think.
Finally, he has an entire website of articles too. This book is actually made up of a lot of the articles he had written over the years, but there’s a lot more great content on there that relates to this book and his others. So I’d recommend anything on his site too.
Don’t Try*
The pursuit of positive emotions leads to negative emotions and acceptance of negative emotions leads to positive emotions
Seeking things highlights the lack of it
No happy person is ever trying to be happy
Negative emotions are natural, not bad (they should not be avoided)
So stop trying to be happy and just accept what is
*Fun fact – “Don’t try” is all thats written on Charles Bukowski’s tombstone
Happiness is a Problem
Your life will always have problems, that is a constant
On Happiness comes from solving problems
You have to enjoy the pain of solving these problems
“What pain do you want to sustain?”
Love the process
You are not Special
1960s self esteem movement –> Entitled people
Entitled = Feel good about your positive traits (and shouldnt work for them)
Self worth = Feel good about your negative traits
- I’m awesome, I deserve special treatment
- I suck, I deserve special treatment
Your problems are not unique
Many people have had and will have the same problems (accept this and become more accepting of the problem)
Social media –> Everything seems extraordinary –> We must delete this concept by accepting that a lot of our lives will be mundane and uninteresting (and thats OK) –> We will begin to appreciate the simple pleasures
The Value of Suffering
Our values determine our problems, as well as our definitions of success and failure
Therefore values determine the cause of our suffering
I feel something –> why do I feel this way –> why does that make me feel this way –> … –> What are my values
“Why does that seem true?”
Good values
- Reality based
- Socially constructive
- Immediate and controllable
You are responsible != It is your fault
Fault = past tense
Responsible = Present tense
Taking responsibility is empowering, while taking fault merely starts a blame game regarding things that have already happened
Doubt drives growth
Certainty = comfort
Challenge your own beleifs
Insecurity is bred out of a need for certainty
Most of the time you just need to be content that you dont know (especially about yourself)
Be Antifragile
Dont be special
Define yourself in general terms (Artist, student, trader, …)
Failure –> Learning –> Success
Pain is good – Part of the process
Just do something
Fear of failure makes us do nothing
Inspiration –> Motivation –> Action –> Inspiration –> Motivation –> Action –> ..
The only part of this cycle that we directly control is action. So if we want to kick it off, that’s the only place we can do it
Receiving it and giving it
If you reject nothing you are valueless/directionless
To value X, we must reject not(X)
Good relationships involve rejection
Reject taking responsibility for others values/feelings
Dont fear the small fights
Conflict is a good test of love
Consumerism –> Have more
Rejection –> Have less
You are going to die anyway, why be afraid of anything you do beforehand?
You fear death when you are unhappy with your life experiences