This is a great book to read when you are young. It’s all about ‘writing your own story’ in life and making memories along the way. It’s very biographical too, which makes it heart-warming as well as inspirational. It is much easier to relate to Donald Miller because he is speaking from experience. It makes the book a pleasure to read too.
A story is “a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it”
1. Exposition
Life is boring compared to a movie
Because there is no story
A story is “a character who wants something and overcomes conflict to get it”
We can make our own stories for our lives
Life can be made more like a good story
He realised most of this while making a movie about himself in which he had to fake parts to make it more interesting
2. A Character
Good life stories involve facing your fears
Life is about transformation, we are adaptable people
A character is what he DOES
A good story needs a character to do things
We choose lives that involve very little doing and a lot of thinking, which doesnt make for a good story
A good character DOES things
You have the opportunity to be a better character in your story by doing things
He imagined himself as a character in god’s story, and how he has been choosing the easy and storyless route
3. A Character Who Wants Something
We choose boring stories because it is easier
Good stories must be forced
You can force a good story using an INCITING INCIDENT
An action that starts your story which you can’t go back on
Kicks the character out of the comfort zone and into a good story
“Great stories go to those who don’t give in to fear”
Fear will reduce you to a boring life
Good stories have risk (to get something you want)
They have bad moments too (makes you appreciate the good)
“What do you want?”
Easy stories bring no satisfaction
NB: We can’t fully control our stories (There is a lot in the world that is out of our control)
Next leve stories need
What the character wants must be very difficult to obtain
The ambition must be sacrificial (character must go through pain and risk everything for it)
The stories we live mould our characters
Idea: Write down all your memories in a notebook like Bob
4. A Character Who Wants Something and Overcomes Conflict
Stories build characters
Change comes with pain and hard work
“get bitter or better”
“Our stories are being stolen by an easy life”
We look back fondly on overcoming conflict – Face it with courage
“It hurts now, but I’ll love this memory”
Society has coded into us the belief that a certain product, person or experience will make your life complete and perfect. Not True
Don’t expect your stories to complete you
Don’t look at your partner as the ultimate problem solver who should complete you and make life perfect
Thats bound to end badly
She is just a girl, love her for it
Be more Danish
Work hard to add memorable scenes to your stories
5. A Character Who Wants Something and Overcomes Conflict to Get It
Good stories create good memories
Good stories don’t always have a happy ending
Share good stories with others
It’s easier to stay in bed and live a boring, comfortable life
Good stories are fulfilling, not easy